Why go to the Dallas area for a root canal when we have the best professional, courteous, and skillful root canal specialist right here in Sherman, TX? I was super pleased with the results of my complicated root canal completed by Dr. Harris on one of my front teeth. The procedure, at least for me, seemed complicated due to the fact that the drill angle entrance to the tooth was from the back and also sideways. I felt no pain before and after the procedure. He is totally awesome and I recommend him highly to anyone scheduling a root canal procedure. In addition, all members of his staff were also very courteous and helpful in both making appointments and in the assistance of the root canal operation. What is also astonishing is that unlike most dentist and doctors, he keeps tabs on you over the years and calls you in to exam the progress of the root canal. This is at his expense, so no charge to the patient. Unbelievable!
Thanks so much for your dedication and skill, and in case I need another root canal (God forbid), I will most certainly schedule a session with you and your staff.
Gil J.